Note: self-serviced drinks only unless you have pre-arranged dinner with us already.
10:15 Welcoming |
10:30-12:00 |
Julia Eisentraut, MdL NRW |
keynote |
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: How to Fill DEI Statements with Life |
12:00 Lunch |
13:00 Software Verification |
Dirk Beyer, LMU Munich |
regular |
Cooperative Verification |
Pamina Georgiou, TU Wien |
short |
The Rapid Verification Framework |
Atefeh Zareh Chahoki, University of Trento |
short |
Formal verification of smart contracts |
Wolfram Pfeifer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
short |
Integrating proof state, source code, and specification into a single view in KeY (Ongoing work) |
Po-Chun Chien, LMU Munich |
short |
BTOR2C: A BTOR2 to C Converter (ongoing work) |
Muqsit Azeem, TU Munich |
short |
Optimistic and Topological Value Iteration for Simple Stochastic Games |
14:30 Coffee Break |
15:00 Miscellaneous |
Barbora Šmahlíková, Brno University of Technology |
regular |
Next Generation of Rank-Based Algorithms for Omega Automata |
Kyveli Doveri, Imdea Software |
short |
Inclusion Checking for ω-VPL |
Marton Hajdu, TU Wien |
regular |
Automating induction for equational reasoning in superposition |
Short Break |
Martin Blicha, Università della Svizzera italiana |
short |
Transition Power Abstraction |
Michal Hečko, Brno University of Technology |
short |
Developments in our work on deciding Presburger arithmetic with automata |
Maximilian Schäffeler, TU Munich |
short |
Verified Solution Methods for Markov Decision Processes |
18:00 Dinner |
9:00 Automated Reasoning |
Jasmin Blanchette, VU Amsterdam |
regular |
Higher-Order Reasoning with Lambda-Superposition |
Petra Hozzová, TU Wien |
regular |
Towards synthesis in superposition |
Enrico Lipparini, University of Genoa |
regular |
Handling Polynomial and Transcendental Functions in SMT via Unconstrained Optimisation and Topological Degree Test |
10:30 Coffee Break |
11:00 Formalization |
Tobias Nipkow, TU Munich |
regular |
Gale-Shapley Verified |
Katharina Kreuzer, TU Munich Germany |
short |
Formalization and Verification of CRYSTAL-KYBER |
Sarah Sallinger, TU Wien |
short |
A Formalization of Heisenbugs and Their Causes |
12:00 Lunch |
13:00 Loops |
František Nečas, Brno University of Technology |
short |
Loop Unwinding in the 2LS Framework for Analysis of Dynamically Allocated Memory |
Martin Spiessl, LMU Munich |
short |
A Unifying Approach for Control-Flow-Based Loop Abstraction |
Anton Varonka, TU Wien |
short |
On the Unsolvability of Loop Analysis |
14:10 Ferry Departure, Social Event |
18:00 Dinner |
8:50 Model Checking |
Helmut Seidl, Sarah Tilscher, TU Munich |
regular |
The Topdown Solver: an Exercise in A2I |
9:30 Model Checking (Cont., Parallel Session A) |
Jan Onderka |
regular |
Machine-Code Model Checking: Approaches & Insights |
Emily Yu, JKU Linz |
short |
Certifying Model Checking Results |
Konstantin Kueffner, IST Austria |
short |
Monitoring Fairness Properties over Markov Chains |
Philipp Czerner, TU Munich |
short |
Space Complexity of Population Protocols |
9:30 SAT Solving (Parallel Session B) |
Adrian Rebola-Pardo, TU Wien, JKU Linz |
regular |
Interference-based Proofs in SAT Solving |
Maximilian Heisinger, JKU Linz |
short |
QuAPI: Adding Assumptions to Non-Assuming SAT & QBF Solvers |
Simone Atzwanger, JKU Linz |
short |
Crafted True QBF |
Andreas Plank, JKU Linz |
short |
Minimal Unsatisfiable Core Extraction |
10:30 Coffee Break |
11:00 Concurrency (Parallel Session A) |
Dominik Harmim, Brno University of Technology |
regular |
Static Deadlock Detection in Low-Level C Code |
Michael Schwarz, TU Munich |
short |
Analysis of Thread IDs and Uniqueness as an Abstraction of Local Traces
Pavel Parizek, Charles University |
short |
Efficient and Scalable Incremental Verification of Multithreaded Programs By Checking Just Pairs of Threads |
Frank Schüssele, University of Freiburg |
short |
Verification of programs with unbounded threads |
11:00 Hybrid Systems and Control (Parallel Session B) |
Filip Macák, Brno University of Technology |
regular |
New Avenues in Inductive Synthesis of Finite-State Controllers for POMDPs |
Stefan Ratschan, Czech Academy of Sciences |
short |
Decidability of First-order Theories of Real Functions |
Marvin Brieger, LMU Munich |
short |
Dynamic Logic of Communicating Hybrid Programs |
12:00 Lunch |
13:00 Software Verification |
Philipp Wendler, LMU Munich |
regular |
Interpolation and SAT-Based Model Checking Revisited: Adoption to Software Verification |
Filip Kliber, Charles University, Prague |
regular |
Fuzzing of Multithreaded Programs in .NET - Challenges and Solutions |
Dominik Klumpp, University of Freiburg |
regular |
Commutativity in Concurrent Program Verification |
14:30 Coffee Break |
15:00 Miscellaneous |
Marcel Ebbinghaus, University of Freiburg |
short |
The Concept of Preference Orders for Concurrent Program Verification |
Clemens Eisenhofer, TU Wien |
short |
User-Propagation for Custom Theories in SMT Solving |
Henrik Wachowitz, LMU Munich |
short |
Verification as a Service (VaaSe) |
15:45 Closing |